The little clock tinkled out the hours. 那只小钟丁当丁当地报时。
Why did the person throw a clock out the window? 为什么这人把闹钟扔出了窗外?
Force yourself to get out of bed by putting that pesky alarm clock out across the other side of the room. 把烦人的闹钟放在房间的另一头,强迫自己起床。
Nobody can stop you from designing, writing, or whatever else after you clock out. 没有人能阻止你在下班后进行设计、写作、或者做任何事情。
Many of us like to clock out when work ends, so talking about job-related items can bring back unwanted memories of the daily grind. 我们很多人都会数着时间下班,所以在下班后讨论和工作有关的事情会让人回想起不愿想起的那些日常琐事。
Like a factory, China has a reputation for being dirty, noisy, crowded and jarring to the senses – the kind of place you're eager to clock out from and leave at 6 PM. 就像一家工厂一样,中国给人的感觉就是脏、吵、挤、闹,就像到了下午6点下班打卡时间你恨不得马上离去的地方。
The clock is fast running out on China's tactic of using runaway credit to fuel investment-led growth. 中国利用失控的信贷维持投资引导型经济增长,这种策略正在迅速走向末日。
Make sure the office manager knows I won't be back to clock out. 别忘了告诉部门经理我不回去打卡了。
My clock sounds out of beat. 我的钟响得不匀称。
I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on-stage. 应当在出场之前有台打卡机。
The clock booms out nine. 钟隆隆地敲了九下。
Don't forget clock out before you go. 走之前别忘记打卡。
Failure to clock in and out as required will result in disciplinary action. 未能按要求打卡的将导致纪律处分。
The clock boomed out the noon hour. 时钟以低沉声音报中午时刻。
The tower clock boomed out twelve. 塔楼上的大钟沉重地敲了十二下。
Staff work at the council to a "flexitime system" which means they take breaks at different times and if they go out to buy a sandwich they clock in and out by swiping their cards. 该地方议会实行“弹性工作制”,工作人员可以在不同时间段休息。如果他们出去买三明治,就必须刷卡登记。
Five-thirty is the time to clock out. 五时三十分是下班时间。
The chimes of the huge clock rang out the old year. 大钟的钟声送走了旧岁。
The pink-faced clock drummed out another hour. 粉红色的时钟再次敲响。
A significant proportion of women who had put off having children are changing their minds before the clock runs out. 有许多原来打算不要孩子的妇女改变了她们的想法,乘还来得及生一个孩子。
If you run a business and your time clock software is getting out of date, or perhaps you want to buy software for the first time, then you have plenty of options to choose from. 如果您运行的企业和您的时钟软件变得过时了,或者你想购买的软件是第一次,那麽你有足够的选择的选择。
Workers in this factory are required to clock in and out. 这个厂的工人按规定必须记录上下班的时间。
As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed. 我一听到闹钟响起就从床上跳了起来。
Follow these four tips and you'll be relaxed and ready to enjoy delicious food and time with family from the second you clock out. 按照这四条建议去做,一下班你就会很放松地准备好享受美味的食物以及与家人共度的时光。
You have to have hobbies and interests to be able "clock out" to enjoy other areas of your life or trading will consume you. 但你必须有另外一些兴趣爱好,这样你就可以停下来享受生活中其它的乐趣。
So he's going to run the clock out on that one. 所以他会在时间到前绕开问题。
My clock is out of order and waked me up at3 this morning. 我的闹钟坏了,今天早晨3点就把我叫醒了。